There are five key stages to the vacuum impregnation process:
1. Part Preparation
Parts to be impregnated should be clean and dry before the process begins.
2. Vacuum Impregnation
Air is evacuated from the porosity within the components using a dry vacuum.
The vacuum is released and liquid sealant penetrates the porosity, filling the voids.
3. Drain
Components are rotated and indexed about the horizontal axis to drain and recover excess sealant. The drained sealant is returned to the autoclave for re-use.
4. Cold Wash
Components are rotated and indexed under a cascade of wash water solution removing sealant from all component surfaces. When using Ultraseal Recycling Technology, any sealant that is recycled is returned to stage 2 via the Sealant Recycling System (SRS).
5. Hot Cure
Combining a wash and heating process to maintain a high standard of surface cleanliness and polymerisation of the sealant within the porosity of the components.