Automotive vacuum impregnation

Global approvals, global services – the ultimate automotive component porosity sealing solution

As a leader in porosity sealing, we have the world’s most complete offer for the automotive sector.

With approvals from the leading automakers and Tier 1 suppliers, we are the recognized Global leader in vacuum impregnation for the automotive industry. In other words, we provide a total service, meaning we can truly shape our offer and provide the ultimate solution to your needs.

  • Permanent seal for leak paths and micro porosity
  • Increased productivity
  • Lowest total cost of ownership
  • Best-in-class sustainability
  • Approved to US MIL standard and by Global OEMs and tier 1 suppliers

The total solution to porosity and leak paths for internal combustion, battery electric and hybrid vehicles

Quality Assured

Whether you prefer to own and operate your own vacuum impregnation system or require an on-site managed service, where we deliver all the benefits of a best-in-class impregnation service in your plant , or you want to visit one of our managed service centers located around the world, we will deliver a high-quality impregnation solution customized to your individual business and process needs.

Ultraseal International impregnation sealants and equipment meet numerous industrial, military and automotive OEM and Tier suppliers' global specifications.








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